I've been playing around with the CTP3 of Denali and stumbled upon some new functions...
The new functions are :
- DATEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day)
- returns a DATE value
- DATETIMEFROMPARTS(@year, @month, @day, @hour, @minute, @seconds, @milliseconds)
- returns a DATETIME value
- TIMEFROMPARTS(@hour, @minute, @seconds, @fractions, @precision)
- returns a TIME value
- where @fractions is an integer expression and @precision is an integer literal specifying the precision of the time value to be returned.)
- @fractions depend on @precision eg if the precision is 7 then each fraction represents 100 nanoseconds.
- If the arguments are invalid, then an error is raised
- If any of the parameters are null, null is returned
SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(2011, 07, 20) AS 'Todays Date'
SELECT DATETIMEFROMPARTS (2011, 07, 20, 09, 51, 07, 321) AS 'Todays Date and Time'
SELECT TIMEFROMPARTS (09, 51, 07, 321 , 3) AS 'Todays Time'
have fun,
Nice :)