Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Playing with DateTime in SQL2005

For a project I'm working on I needed to extract semester and quarter from a date.
This brought me to the idea of storing these values in a table.

The following code sample is a table valued function which generates detailed calendar output.

Create Function [dbo].[DateTimeFunctions.ReturnExtendedCalendar]
(@TableStartDate DateTime , @TableEndDate DateTime , @FYStart DateTime)
Returns @ExtendedResultSet Table
( MonthStart DateTime , MonthEnd DateTime , [Year] Int , [Month] Int ,
[Quarter] Int , Semester Int , [MonthName] Varchar(20) , [FiscalYear] Int ,
[FiscalMonth] Int , [FiscalQuarter] Int , FiscalSemester Int)
Declare @CalendarTable Table
( MonthStart DateTime , MonthEnd DateTime , [Year] Int , [Month] Int ,
[Quarter] Int , Semester Int , [MonthName] Varchar(20) , [FiscalYear] Int ,
[FiscalMonth] Int , [FiscalQuarter] Int , FiscalSemester Int)

Declare @FirstDayOfCurrentYear DateTime
Declare @FiscalStartDiff Int

Select @FirstDayOfCurrentYear = Cast(Cast(Convert(Varchar(4), DatePart(yyyy ,GetDate())) + '-01-01' As Varchar(20)) As DateTime)

Select @FiscalStartDiff = DateDiff(mm , @FYStart , @FirstDayOfCurrentYear)

While @TableStartDate <= @TableEndDate
Insert Into @CalendarTable
MonthStart , MonthEnd , [Year] , [Month] , [Quarter] , Semester , [MonthName] ,
[FiscalYear] , [FiscalMonth] , [FiscalQuarter] , FiscalSemester
Values ( @TableStartDate ,
DateAdd(ms, -3, DateAdd(mm, DateDiff(m, 0, @TableStartDate) + 1, 0)) ,
DatePart(yyyy , @TableStartDate ) ,
DatePart(mm , @TableStartDate ) ,
DateName(qq , @TableStartDate),
Case When DatePart(mm , @TableStartDate ) Between 1 and 6 Then 1
Else 2
End ,
DateName(mm , @TableStartDate) ,
DatePart(yyyy , DateAdd(mm , @FiscalStartDiff , @TableStartDate )) ,
DatePart(mm , DateAdd(mm , @FiscalStartDiff , @TableStartDate )),
DatePart(qq , DateAdd(mm , @FiscalStartDiff , @TableStartDate )),
Case When DatePart(qq , DateAdd(mm , @FiscalStartDiff , @TableStartDate ))
In (1 , 2 )Then 1
Else 2

Set @TableStartDate = DateAdd(mm , 1 , @TableStartDate)

Insert @ExtendedResultSet (MonthStart , MonthEnd , [Year] , [Month] , [Quarter] ,
Semester , [MonthName] , [FiscalYear] , [FiscalMonth] , [FiscalQuarter] , FiscalSemester)
Select MonthStart , MonthEnd , [Year] , [Month] , [Quarter] ,
Semester , [MonthName] ,[FiscalYear] , [FiscalMonth] , [FiscalQuarter] , FiscalSemester
From @CalendarTable


Execution of the function is as follows :

Set DateFirst 1
Set @TableStartDate = DateAdd(yyyy ,-10 , '2009-01-01')
Set @TableEndDate = DateAdd(yyyy , 0 , '2009-12-31')
Set @FYStart = Convert(DateTime, '2009-04-01')

Select * From [dbo].[DateTimeFunctions.ReturnExtendedCalendar]
(@TableStartDate , @TableEndDate , @FYStart)

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