In our following example, 2 tables are linked to each other.
The product table is linked to the category table. In the category table, categories can have several levels of parent-child relations.
The category table can contain:
Food -> Beverages -> Beer
Food -> Beverages -> Sodas -> Cola
The Product table however can contain:
Duvel -> Beer
How to get the products and their corresponding category fast, by defining the root category as a parameter?
You can do this with a recursive query using CTE (common table expresssions)
Our category table and product table:
The common table expression which will return all items for category 'Food'
1: WITH RecursiveQuery AS
2: (
3: SELECT c1.ID, c1.Category , CAST( AS NVARCHAR( 50)) AS Parent , 0 AS Level , c1.ParentCategory
4: FROM Category c1
5: WHERE c1.ParentCategory IS NULL
6: AND c1.Category =
8: SELECT c2.ID, c2.Category , RecursiveQuery.Category AS Parent , Level + 1 AS Level, c2.ParentCategory
9: FROM Category c2
10: JOIN RecursiveQuery ON RecursiveQuery.ID = c2.ParentCategory
11: )
The select statement returning the products with their respective category based upon the main category 'Food'
1: SELECT Category,
2: ISNULL(Products.Product , ) AS Product,
3: ISNULL(Products.UnitPrice, 0) AS UnitPrice
4: FROM RecursiveQuery
5: INNER JOIN Products ON Products.CategoryID = RecursiveQuery.ID
6: ORDER BY Level ,Parent, Category
See the result:
Have Fun!